Sunday, 31 March 2019

Early Spring Flowers thrive in the sun

March has generally been a warm month with plenty of sun although nights have been cold under clear skies.
By 11th March, the first Dandelions were flowering and the first of this months spectacular Blackthorn blossom was flowering too. By 24th March, with most trees just showing leaf buds, the woodland floor was bright and sunny, encouraging Wood anemone to flower. On sunny verges and banks Lesser Celandine was flowering profusely mixed with Wood Anemone in places. It is especially good to see both species appearing in new places along the riverside. With Wood anemone - an indicator of ancient woodland-  this means that the plant roots have probably been there for hundreds of years as the roots spread exceptionally slowly. 

WOOD ANEMONE flowering under a tree on the river bank

Unlike the Wood anemone, Lesser Celandine roots spread and the tubers break off and spread the plant all along the riverside and ditches. As with the Wood anemone, the flowers only open in the bright light of the sun on banks and the woodland floor.

LESSER CELANDINE under trees with a mix of bramble, nettle and others.

The morning of our Meet on 31st March was however overcast but the day gradually brightened up.
There was a cold easterly wind too but chiffchaffs and wrens sang loudly.  It was a day to remember as the first common whitethroats were heard singing on the bank…. They've arrived - it must certainly be spring!

Thursday, 28 March 2019

What's New?

On Sunday 24th March, a brilliant spring day,  there was work going on at Highwood near the bridge which connects the North and South sites.

A sculptor, Jon Edgar was working on a stone-carving. You can find out which days he is there:

Go to the Horsham District Council website - year of culture - horsham sculpture.

This photo was taken on 25th March, another fine day.

The carving will be moved to the Landmark Square on the new Highwood Village when finished.

Wednesday, 13 March 2019

May weather in February


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Hills Farm Wildlife Conservation

Our Meet on 24th February 2019 was productive, with the trolley experts in action again hauling up a long abandoned one from a less accessible location on the bank. After a cool start the day warmed up and it became quite hot in the sun although the landscape was a winter one, with few indications of spring. Just as well, as we are expecting another visit from the Beast from the East which took everyone by surprise in March last year. 

Hazel catkins on mature trees have been brightening the riverside here on the Arun for weeks now. They vary but grow equally well on trees old and young (see previous post) and there were a few more signs of spring today with Willow catkins appearing fast and an extending clump of snowdrops on a bank, close to the Arun:

Flourishing on the steep bank just above water, these are really winter flowers. There hasn't been any significant snow so far this winter but there's still time…